Friday, June 17, 2011

June 16,2011 - The Hatchery - Separates the Men from the Boys.

The forecast was for a light-wind day in the corridor (Stevenson to Hood River).  I got to the river late. Kent was coming off to rig down from his 4.8 to 4.2.  It was REALLY windy!!!!.

The Men!

Harold - doing what he always does.
Andreas, Kent, Ross, Harold A, and Mike P, ripped up the river.  Although Mike P. admitted that it was a lot of work.  The wind was extremely variable (3-30mph), so you had to be able to stand on your board (up to your knees in the water) holding on, and trying to stay "up current" in the lulls, be aggressive and take advantage of the waves to gain ground, then hold on and fly in the gusts.....

Andreas on his 4.2 and Kode
Classic Table-Top Jump!

Andreas did his first back loop, and almost landed it. He got all the way around and landed on his feet, but then went in.  WOW!  It was even caught on film! (well, digitally...)  His parents were even there to see it, and it was his mom who took the photo - see below...

Ross - Slashing a wave

Ross was efficient as always. He enjoyed trying out his new Sailworks sails... (apparently there was a buying frenzy at Sailworks earlier in the morning).

Ross is probably the best jumper in the group, and showed off his style as the rest of us watched from the beach!!

Ross - Flying High - Andreas looking for wind.

This is an interesting picture...  Andreas is slogging with almost no wind, trying to surf down a wave to keep up current.  A hundred meters behind him, Ross is totally powered - showing us the bottom of his board!

Kent said he had some wave rides that he will remember for the rest of his life!  Huge, even, smooth swell.

Funny, how the guy's who are younger, generally lighter,  and in better condition - had the best time....
(No I am not implying anything....)

The Boys....

Ted  enjoyed taking photos as usual.
Well, unlike the "Men", some of us didn't fair so well.  I went out on my 4.2 and Kode 93.  I had a great reach across the river - fully powered and fully in control.  I thought "This isn't so bad...", I jibed on the outside, and then the wind dropped.  I slogged back, finally got on a plane, but then the wind dropped again, and I dropped into the water right in the big swells - of course the current was taking me down stream at 5 knots...

I got up and made it back up wind, slogged, then planed, and got back up river.  On the way back, I tried to get to the beach, but couldn't slog through the big swell, and didn't have enough speed to ride the wave.  By now I am drifting down to "Kodak Point" - the expert area, and the end of the beach.  I went out and back again - but decided I had better get in before I was too far down river, and before I didn't have enough energy left to waterstart.  I thought that maybe no one would notice my "walk of shame".   I no sooner got my rig out of the water, than Big Air Jim was there to help me carry it back.  Mike P, even took a photo of my doing my walk.  I promised to post it if he sends it to me....

Big Air Jim
In control, after successfully rigging his lawn chair.
Big Air Jim had a similar experience to mine, except that he managed to make it back to the beach.  He talks about being totally over powered - not able to sheet in - screaming across the water - and then no wind, and having to drop in to the water.

Jim speaks for many of us, when he says he "was humbled by the Hatchery - again".

Harold W, had a similar adventure to mine, although was on the water for longer.....

Blaine - contemplating life...

Blaine had an adventure as well.  He was thrown forward over the "Handle Bars", and ended up under his sail, still hooked in, with the harness line twisted.  He had some very "interesting" moments, trying to get un-hooked, and then finding his way out from under his sail.

He came back and snoozed on the beach in the nice warm sun.

Big Jim made the right call - Event Site

Big Jim and Handre made the right call, and moved to the Event Site. Beautiful grass rigging area, relatively flat water (at least on the inside), and not very much current.  The wind was lighter,but steadier.

Jim said he was powered 80% of the time on his 6.3, while Handre had a great day, first on a 5.0 and then on his new Sailworks 6.0. (remember I said there was a buying frenzy at Sailworks earlier in the day.)

Handre and Jim sailed until about 7:00pm.  Handre had a great day, and is working hard on trying to Jibe.  He is very close to making one....

It is almost funny watching all the advice he is getting from everyone, and of course there are two or three distinct styles - so I am sure that while much of the advice has a lot in common, some of it will be quite contradictory.  He can't go anywhere without one of us showing him the footwork, sail flip, board position or something.....

Lots of adventure, and the basis for many stories and lies, to be told over and over.  All in all, another great day.  Everyone learned something - even if it was just respect for the river......

Andreas's parents came down to watch.

Mike enjoy taking photos and watching the action.

Harold W - re-rigging for another try...

Mike P, after a great sail - said it was hard work....

Ross - going up!!

Andreas - slashing a wave..
Ross - out of control...

Ross and Andreas!
Andreas - first Backloop
under the waterfall....

Going Down......

And he lands it - sort of......
Definitely the first in our group to do a loop!!!

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